Call for Papers

Conference Announcement

We are delighted to extend our heartfelt invitation to you for the 12th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance 2024 (AICIF2024) with the theme Islamic Finance for Sustainable Peace and Development: Challenges and Opportunities. This esteemed event will convene at Limketkai Luxe Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines on 18 and 19 November 2024, bringing together thought policymakers, industry leaders, scholars, practitioners, experts, academics, and students from around the world. This event is a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and opportunity to build partnerships and collaborations that can lead to substantial contributions to Islamic Finance, sustainable development, and lasting peace.

AICIF is an annual collaborative conference organised by seven ASEAN Universities alternately including International Islamic University, Malaysia (UIAM); Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga (UIN SUKA), Yogyakarta; Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA), Semarang; Universitas Darussalam Gontor (UNIDA), Indonesia; Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Brunei; Mindanao State University (MSU), the Philippines, and Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (UIN), Indonesia.

The conference aims to explore the pivotal role of Islamic finance and banking in fostering sustainable development and lasting peace. With a focus on principles of equity, fairness, and ethical investment, Islamic finance offers innovative solutions to address contemporary economic challenges while promoting social welfare and stability.

Over the next two days, we will delve into the pivotal role of Islamic finance in fostering sustainable development and lasting peace, with a special focus on the unique challenges and opportunities in underdeveloped areas, lagging regions, and conflict-affected communities.

AICIF 2024 Logo

The 12th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance

As we will gather in Cagayan de Oro, a city known for its vibrant culture and economic potential, we aim to explore how Islamic financial principles can be harnessed to address key issues such as economic inclusion, social equity, and sustainable growth.
We are excited to embark on this journey with you, as we collectively strive to unlock the potential of Islamic finance to contribute to a more equitable and peaceful society. We look forward to the fruitful discussions and outcomes that will emerge from this conference.

Key Themes

Key Themes

Throughout our conference, we will examine key themes that underpin the role of Islamic finance in promoting sustainable development and peace:

Explore the Pivotal Role of Islamic Finance: We will delve into how Islamic finance principles can drive sustainable development initiatives, including green financing, microfinance, and socially responsible investment, to address pressing environmental and socio-economic issues.

Financial Inclusion: Recognizing the importance of inclusive growth, we will assess strategies to enhance access to financial services for marginalized communities through innovative Islamic banking solutions, thus fostering greater economic empowerment and social cohesion.

Peace and Stability: In a world grappling with conflict and instability, we will evaluate the contribution of Islamic finance in promoting economic stability, reducing inequality, and fostering peaceful coexistence, thereby addressing root causes of conflict, and supporting sustainable peacebuilding efforts.

Innovation and Challenges: Amidst rapid technological advancements and evolving regulatory landscapes, we will discuss the opportunities and challenges facing Islamic finance and banking, including the integration of Fintech, digitalization, and regulatory frameworks to ensure sustainable and resilient financial systems.

Network and Share Research: Throughout the conference new findings and studies, innovative strategies, and novel ideas on Islamic Finance will be presented and shared with others to enhance knowledge adoption, dissemination, and application especially in pivoting Islamic Finance to bring sustainable development and lasting peace.

The conference also includes sub-themes that provide comprehensive scope highlighting both the challenges and opportunities in Islamic Finance that contributes to sustainable development and lasting peace.

  • Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development
  • Financing Peace Initiatives and Community Development
  • Role of Islamic Finance in Economic Development and U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
  • Role of Islamic Finance in post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding
  • Digital Transactions, FINTECH, and Crypto Currencies
  • Islamic Economics, Islamic Finance Policies, and Islamic Economic Policies
  • Financial Inclusion, Microfinance, Islamic Pawnshop, and Rural Financing
  • Technological Innovation, Theories, and Practices in Islamic Finance
  • Islamic Accounting, Shariah Audit, and Governance
  • Sukuk, Islamic Development Financing, and Social Entrepreneurship
  • Financing Social Development, Rural Infrastructure, and Agriculture
  • Halal Industry, Products, Services and Halal Management
  • Gender Financial Empowerment, Halal Tourism, and Heritage Prevention
  • Islamic Finance Education, Skills Development, and Capacity Building
  • Green Economy, Global Islamic Finance, and Ethical Investment
  • Islamic Social Finance, Zakat, Sadaqah, Waqf, and Philanthropy
  • Islamic Insurance, Takaful, and Islamic Finance Risk Management
  • The role of Islamic Finance in Inclusive Growth and Gender Equality


Important Dates

We cordially invite researchers, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, industry experts, and students to submit abstracts and papers aligned with the conference theme and sub-themes. Selected submissions will be presented during the conference sessions.

September 06 15, 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline

September 16, 2024

Abstract Notification of Acceptance

October 25, 2024

Full Paper Submission Deadline

October 30, 2024

Paper Acceptance Notification

November 05, 2024

Camera-Ready Paper Deadline

November 18 & 19, 2024

Conference Proper

Language & Format

World Language Photo

Conference Language


This conference accepts papers written in English, Arabic, and Bahasa Melayu/Indonesia.



Call for Papers Format Photo

Paper Submission Format


Formatting: A4 paper, single spacing, Times New Roman 11, margin top 0.89 inch/2.26 cm, left 0.71 inch/1.80 cm, bottom 0.39 inch/1 cm, right 0.74 inch/1.88 cm, 12 pages (maximum) including references.

Paper structure: Title, Authors Info, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Data and Methodology (for paper using quantitative methods), Findings and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, References (APA style).

Registration and Mode of Payment

Registration and Mode of Payment Photo

Registration & Mode of Payment

Mode of Payment

Account Name: MSU PNB
Account Number: 4112-7000-4971
Swift Code: PNBMPHMM



Discounted Up To

August 31,2024

Regular Rate Starting

September 01, 2024







PhP 6,000.00

PhP 5,000.00

PhP 7,000.00

PhP 6,000.00


USD 105.00

USD 87.00

USD 120.00

USD 105.00

Student or ICIFE  Member-local

PhP 5,000.00

PhP 4,000.00

PhP 6,000.00

PhP 5,000.00

Student or ICIFE Member- International

USD 87.00

USD 70.00

USD 105.00

USD 87.00

Contact Us

Contact Information

For inquiries and submission guidelines, please contact Mindanao State University at the following
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Call Us / Whatsapp


Our Organizers

Organized by:



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Plenary Speakers

PROF. DATO’ DR MOHD AZMI OMAR (AICIF 2024 Keynote Speaker)

Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar

Keynote Speaker

Professor Dato’ Dr. Mohd Azmi Omar is currently the President and Chief Executive Officer of INCEIF  University, the Global University of Islamic Finance, since October 2017. Prior to his current position, he held the post of the Director-General, Islamic Research and Training Institute, IRTI, (now known as the IsDB  Institute), Islamic Development Bank Group, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

At IRTI, Azmi pioneered and  introduced innovative policy research that culminated in flagship reports such as the IRTI Islamic Social Finance  report and the IDB-World Bank Global Report on Islamic Finance. Azmi also extended technical  assistance and advice on Islamic finance to several member countries of the Islamic Development Bank.

He also holds the post of President of the International Council of Islamic Finance Educators, Vice President  of the International Association for Islamic Economics, a member of the Board of Trustees of the RFI  Foundation, and formerly a member of the External Advisory Group for the International Monetary Fund  (IMF) Interdepartmental Working Committee on Islamic Finance.

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Prof. Dr. Romzie Rosman

Session 1

Romzie Rosman, PhD, is a Professor at the Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University Malaysia. He is currently the deputy dean (Responsible Research & Innovation) of the Institute. Apart from supervising PhD candidates in the Islamic banking and finance programme, he teaches Islamic banking and finance subjects at the postgraduate level, particularly Islamic financial systems, accounting for Islamic financial institutions, and Islamic wealth management. His research interests are Islamic banking and finance, Islamic financial transactions, accounting for Islamic finance, Shariah non-compliance risk management, governance, and Islamic social finance. His intellectual contributions include publishing research papers in Malaysia and at the international level and publishing book chapters and articles in magazines and bulletins. He is an active associate member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance, and a member of International Council of Islamic Finance Educators.

ATTY. ARIFA A. ALA (AICIF 2024 Speaker)

Atty. Arifa A. Ala

Session 1

Atty. Arifa A. Ala, a CPA-lawyer, is a career central banker who has an extensive experience and wide technical expertise in banking supervision and regulation. She was assigned in different departments in the Financial Supervision Sector and tasked to supervise different types of financial institutions, banks and non-banks alike.

Atty. Ala has made significant contributions in the development and enhancement of various policies that made significant impact in the conduct of BSP’s supervisory function and processes. She also played a vital role in the development of programs aimed at strengthening rural and cooperative banks, such as the Strengthening Program for Cooperative Banks, Strengthening Program for Rural Banks and Consolidation Program for Rural Banks.

As the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) point person for Islamic banking and finance, Atty. Ala chairs the Islamic Finance Coordination Forum which aims for the establishment of an Islamic banking system in the Philippines which can viably operate alongside the conventional banking system.

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Dr. Hakimah Yaacob

Session 1 & 5

Associate Professor Dr. Hakimah Yaacob is the Head of Postgraduate Study at the Faculty of Islamic Economics & Finance, University Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA). She has obtained her Phd in Law, her Master in Comparative Laws, her first Degree in LLB (Laws), and her 2nd Degree in LLB Shariah Law from International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM. She has also pursued her Diploma in Victimology from Tokiwa University of Japan. She is a certified UK Chartered Arbitrator and certified Mediator from the Australian Legal Consultative Organisation (ALCO). She has written more than 400 publications consisting of books, journals, proceedings, forums, newspapers, and MOOC YouTube interactive learning. She is the author of ‘Islamic Finance, Governance, and Regulation’, ‘The World Banking System’, and ‘The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Cross Border Disputes of Islamic Finance’, to name a few. She has received multiple best paper awards and in the industrial engagement, she is currently sitting as the shariah Board member of Standard Chartered Saadiq, Standard Chartered Labuan, and Sadiq Global. She also serves as a chairman of the Shariah Board concerning halal Assurance compliance.

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Dr. Rizal Mohd Nor

Session 2

Dr. Rizal Mohd Nor is an Assistant Professors at the Department of Computer Science, KICT, IIUM. He holds a Computer Science Ph.D and MSc. degree (Kent State University), an MBA (IIUM), and a double degree in BSc. Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering (Johns Hopkins University). His research is in Fintech and Blockchain in areas such as self-stabilising algorithms in blockchain consensus, blockchain applications in IoT, blockchain applications in Islamic finance, blockchain Applications in Edutech, Internet of Thing (IoT), cryptocurrencies and Machine Learning for Financial robo-advisors. He has published several journals in Blockchain, IoT and Fintech which have received International awards and research grants both local and international. Currently serving as an EXCO member for the International Council of Islamic Finance Educators (ICIFE) and professionally a consultant for several fintech and blockchain companies in Malaysia in their fintech, blockchain, IoT and AI initiatives. He currently owns a patent filed in 2018 relating to Blockchain Technology. He is a frequent speaker in local and international Conferences and a trainer for several agencies.

Jovelyn M. Hao (AICIF 2024 Speaker)

Jovelyn M. Hao

Session 2

Deputy Director
Fintech Innovation and Policy Research Group
Technology Risk and Innovation Supervision Department
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

With over a decade of experience in technology risk supervision, Ms. Jovelyn M. Hao (Jovie) brings in key insights and valuable inputs as she leads the Fintech Innovation and Policy Research Group (FIPRG) under the Technology Risk and Innovation Supervision Department (TRISD). FIPRG serves as the primary contact for fintech players in the Philippines, particularly those with underlying BSP-regulated activities. Ms. Hao is  likewise heavily involved in various policy initiatives of the BSP such as the Amendments to the Regulations on outsourcing, as well as ongoing initiatives on Open Finance, Regulatory Sandbox, and AI Governance. Prior to her current role, she was also a pioneer member of the Cybersecurity Supervision and Oversight Group (CSOG).

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Prof. Misnen Ardiansyah

Session 2

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia : Doktor  Ilmu Ekonomi-Akuntansi (Doctor in Accounting), 2019

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia : Magister Sains Akuntansi (Master of Science in Accounting), 2003

STIE Widya Wiwaha, Indonesia: Sarjana Akuntansi (Bachelor of Accounting), 1986

Accountant Profession Education, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Certified Professional Teachers. Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia

Islamic Social Reporting and Financial Distress In List of Sharia Securities

Economic Pragmatism of Yogyakarta Muslim Community in Selecting Banking Institutions

AICIF 2024 Speaker Photo

Dr. Akhmad Affandi Mahfudz

Session 3

Dr. Akhmad Affandi Mahfudz, CPIF now is Associate Professor at Postgraduate Studies, University of Darussalam Gontor Indonesia  and Visiting Professor of Islamic Finance at Al Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan. He also serves as Brand Ambassador for Mabrook Finance based in Canada and appointed as Chairman of Shariah Advisory Board of PT Urun Bangun Negeri. He was appointed as Consultant for IFAAS (Islamic Finance Advisory and Assurance) based in UK and Shariah Business Advisory Lead for Deloitte Indonesia. Prior to these attachments, he was researcher at International Shariah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA) Malaysia and Visiting Scholar at Islamic Business School, Universiti Utara Malaysia. He was also appointed as Deputy Rector of Tazkia University College of Islamic Economics Indonesia. Apart from academic attachment, he was appointed as Assistant Vice President of Namirah Ventures Pte Ltd Singapore.

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Dr. Muhd Zaki Hj Zaini

Session 3

Dr. Muhd Zaki Hj Zaini is the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance at Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) in Brunei Darussalam, where he also serves as an Assistant Professor of Economics. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Exeter, an MSc in Operational Research and Applied Statistics from Cardiff University, and an Associate Qualification in Islamic Finance from IBFIM. Dr. Zaki’s research interests include Islamic economics, financial technology, sustainable finance, and entrepreneurial economics. He has published extensively in reputable journals and is appointed as an editor and reviewer for several esteemed academic publications. Additionally, he has been instrumental in securing and managing multiple research grants from both university funds and external sources.

AICIF 2024 Speaker Photo

Dr. Minombao Ramos-Mayo

Session 3

Prof. Dr. Minombao Ramos-Mayo, is a full professor six (6) in the College of Public Affairs, Mindanao State University. She is a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management, Juris Doctor and a Master of Public Administration degree holder. She is the former dean of MSU-Graduate School (2015-2021). She had held several positions in the past such as: Special Assistant to the Office of the President for 2 years, Special Assistant to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for 14 years, Chairperson of the Graduate Studies Department of College of Public affairs for three years, As SASE board for four years, a library board for four years and served as Principal in MSU-Balindong for nine (9) years. She has always been a member of permanent and hoc committees for Integrated System rankings (ISRP) for 10 years, member of the System and campus curriculum committee for 17 years, Member of Evaluating committee for CSI’s and MSU-Buug for four years, Member of committee to evaluate extension programs of MSU to campuses and curriculum team member to evaluate program for adoptions, member of the restructuring committee of MSU, member of several formulation policies like SASE, extension etc.

Syed Marwan Mujahid bin Syed Azman (AICIF 2024 Speaker)

Syed Marwan Mujahid bin Syed Azman

Session 3

Assistant Professor Dr. Syed Marwan Mujahid bin Syed Azman is the head of the PhD programme at the Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). He holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Economics & Finance) from the University of Melbourne and is a Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) from the International Center for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF). Dr. Marwan completed his PhD at IIiBF, with a focus on Shariah complaint Social Impact Bonds. His areas of interest include Sustainability, Socially Responsible Investment (SRI), and impact measurement. Dr. Marwan is actively involved in various research projects, including developing frameworks for social impact measurement, ethical practices, and addressing financial vulnerabilities in Malaysia. He is also a regular contributor to academic publications in Islamic finance and social impact.

AICIF 2024 Speaker Photo

Prof. Dr. Nisful Laila

Session 4

Prof. Dr. Nisful Laila, SE., M.Com
Vice Dean of Resources & Senior Lecturer in
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga


2018: Doctor of Islamic Economics (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)

2006: Master of Banking & Finance (University of New South Wales, Australia)

1996: Bachelor of Management (Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia)

Read Full CV Here.

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Dr. Azrul Azlan Iskandar Mirza

Session 4

Dr. Azrul Azlan Iskandar Mirza is a Deputy Director, Islamic Capital Market Development at Securities Commission Malaysia (SC). Prior joining SC in 2022, he was an active shariah advisors and committee at various Islamic Financial Institutions i.e Chairman of Shariah Committee SME Bank & FWD Takaful, member of Shariah Committee of Maybank Islamic, BIMB Securities, Alliance Islamic Bank, Alliance Investment Bank, HSBC Amanah Takaful, Zakat Collection Centre of Pahang etc; Executive Director of USIM Healthcare Ptd. Ltd. and Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).

He was also a member of fatwa committee for Negeri Sembilan State Government and Board of trustee for Malaysia Islamic Economic Development Foundation (YaPEIM). Dr Azrul Azlan obtained a Bachelor in Shariah (Hons.) from the University of al-Azhar, Egypt. He holds a Master of Management from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and a Ph.D in Islamic Finance from International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF). He is also holding Certified Shariah Advisor (CSA), Certified Shariah Advisor & Auditor (CSAA) and Chartered Islamic Finance Professional (CIIF).

AICIF 2024 Speaker Photo

Dr. Acram A. Latiph

Session 5

Dr. Acram A. Latiph is the Executive Director of the Institute for Peace and Development in Mindanao and an Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Mindanao State University – Marawi Campus. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Economics from San Beda College, MS Finance from the University of the Philippines, Diliman, Advance Certificate in Conflict Resolution and Executive Master Public Policy from the Maxwell School of Citizenship, Syracuse University, New York, and his PhD in Development Economics from the Australian National University. His PhD Dissertation “What’s Wrong with Mindanao? The Unequal Development in the Philippines” is nominated to ANU Award for Academic Excellence of the Australian National University. He is a recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship, the Australian Leadership Award Scholarship and the NISGP Scholarship.

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Aleem Siddiqui M. Guiapal

Session 5

Aleem Siddiqui M. Guiapal is a multi-awarded civil servant, cited in the Top 500 Most Influential Muslims, Most Inspiring People by the Manila Bulletin, and HRD Asia Awards Contributions to Society. He heads the Philippine Halal Industry Development Office of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Recently launch a campaign for Halal Friendly Philippines aim to make the Philippines a premier Halal-friendly hub in Asia Pacific.

His works for more than 15 years aims to develop the Philippine Halal Ecosystem. He did a policy paper on US ASEAN Initiative in developing the Halal Industry in the Philippines at American University in Washington DC. He had spoken on similar subject in Southeast Asia, US, and the Middle East. He served the government in various capacities as Deputy Director General for Finance and Administration, Group Manager for Investment Promotions, Assistant Cabinet Secretary, and Executive Director. His civic work includes serving as Board of Director of the Fulbright- Hubert H Humphrey Alumni and Philippine Chapter President of the Global Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Trade.

AICIF 2024 Speaker

Dr. Noviyan Darmawan

Session 5

2009 – 2013 PhD in Chemistry, University of Muenster Germany, Supervisor: Prof. Luisa De Cola

2007– 2009 Erasmus Mundus Master of Molecular Nano and Biophotonic, ENS Cachan France and Complutense Madrid Spain. Thesis supervisor: Prof. Luisa De Cola. University of Muenster, Germany

2000– 2005 Bachelor Degree on chemistry with Honours from Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Professional

2022- Now Halal Asessor of BPJPH Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency Halal trainer at HSC IPB

2018 – now Executive Secretary Halal Science Center IPB University Indonesia

2015 – now Assistant Professor in chemistry at Department of Chemistry Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia

2013 -2014 Postdoctoral, University of Strasbourg, France in the group of Prof. Luisa De Cola


Takaful Poster